Welcome to Middle Path Counseling!

Specialized Psychotherapy for Every Stage of Life

Have you ever found yourself wondering what it would be like to sit in a therapy room? Or maybe you have been to therapy before, but have never found the right fit? Maybe you have heard others in your life talking about how great therapy has been for them, but still a bit shy to give it a try? Well let us show you the way!

We are small group of therapists who are passionate about high quality, specialized therapy services. Each one of us has our own niche and speciality to offer you. We believe in not just being a safe place for you to come and work through whatever it is you need, at whatever time in life, but also to be your source for TEACHING you what to do and how to do it so that you leave feeling empowered in your own life.

So what is therapy at MPC like? What can I expect?

You have probably seen your fair share of movie and television shows, or even read books that depict the therapists office with a comfy couch where one lies on the couch while the therapist listens. Or maybe they have depicted the therapist with poor boundaries and questionable ethics. Well the good news is..... we aren't really like that! Any office that you walk into at Middle Path Counseling is designed to be comfortable and welcoming, like you are sitting in our living room. The therapy room is a space for you to be you, to challenge yourself, feel your emotions, and step into the tough stuff, no avoiding! You'll find lots of laughter too, after all they say it is the best medicine right!?

Anxiety? Depression? Eating Disorders? Relationships? Substances? Trauma? Sleep too? .... Yup we got it all!

You can find an array of specialities among us here at Middle Path Counseling. Each one of us is passionate about what we do. Stay tuned for further blog posts on each therapist that makes us who we are and a little bit more about why they do what they do.

Throughout this blog you will find valuable resources on all aspects of mental health: substance use and addiction, eating disorders, parenting, relationships, trauma, anxiety and OCD, depression and other mood disorders, and yes... even sleep too, because let's face it, we all need great sleep for great mental health!

So what are you waiting for!? Contact us today!


How To Worry A Little Bit Less.